10 Monday


Mon, 10 March 2025 - Sun, 1 March 2026 (12:00 AM - 11:00 PM)Asia/Dubai
Sheikh Zayed Rd Shop 1, Ground Floor, Jumeirah Tower Building, Dubai United Arab Emirates


Zaroob, literally translates to “small alley”. It is a concept which was inspired by the traditional street food vendors found around the Levant region. Zaroob captures the best and most authentic aspects of wholesome, simple cooking and brings the atmosphere of a theatrics ambiance and the history of Arab street food to a modern audience. The live cooking stations, open kitchens and a variety of decoration from the Arab world so that diners can enjoy the sights, sounds and smells that are experienced when walking through a traditional street or market in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Egypt. The outside terrace also provides the perfect dining space during the cooler seasons. Zaroob stands out from other restaurants in the area due to its eye catching unique design and interior decor. People will love to come and go because of the relaxed ambiance that Zaroob represents. The menu appeals to a wide and varied clientele.

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